Motsognir - a robust, reliable and easy to install gopher server

Copyright © 2008-2021 Mateusz Vistelink

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About Motsognir

Motsognir is a robust, reliable and easy to install open-source gopher server for Unix-like systems (Linux, BSD, and anything else POSIX-compliant). It is published under the terms of the MIT license.

All the configuration is done via a single configuration file with reasonable defaults. Motsognir supports server-side CGI applications and PHP scripts. It is entirely written in ANSI C, without external dependencies.

Motsognir is primarily distributed in source form, but it has been packaged for multiple systems, hence there's a chance that your operating system distribution already has it.

Interested? Check out Motsognir's user manual before getting into the fun.

What is Gopher? (excerpt from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

“The Gopher protocol was strongly oriented towards a menu-document design and presented an alternative to the World Wide Web in its early stages, but ultimately HTTP became the dominant protocol. The Gopher ecosystem is often regarded as the effective predecessor of the World Wide Web. (...) Gopher has been described by some enthusiasts as "faster and more efficient and so much more organised" than today's Web services. The Gopher protocol is still in use by enthusiasts, and a small population of actively maintained servers remain although it has been almost entirely supplanted by the Web.”


The Motsognir server software has been created by Mateusz Viste. If you'd like to get in touch with the author, you should find appropriate pointers to do so on his personal homepage.

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